

In the years 2020 to 2022, we embarked on a transformative collaboration with Cooprogreso Cooperative in Ecuador, spearheading the impactful project “CoomproVendo.” This initiative aimed to uplift and support thousands of entrepreneurs throughout the country, and through our joint efforts, it evolved into a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on the Ecuadorian business landscape.

Our partnership with Cooprogreso was grounded in a shared vision of fostering economic growth and empowerment at the grassroots level. CoomproVendo became a beacon of hope for aspiring entrepreneurs, providing them with the resources, mentorship, and financial support necessary to turn their dreams into sustainable businesses.

From the outset, our team recognized the diverse range of talents and potential within the entrepreneurial community in Ecuador. Cooprogreso’s commitment to social responsibility and community development aligned seamlessly with our own values, forming the foundation for a collaboration that would redefine the landscape for small businesses.

The project unfolded as a holistic approach to entrepreneurship, addressing not only financial needs but also providing comprehensive support in areas such as marketing, logistics, and business strategy. CoomproVendo workshops and training sessions became hubs of knowledge exchange, empowering entrepreneurs with the skills and confidence needed to navigate the challenges of the business world.

Over the course of those two impactful years, success stories emerged from every corner of Ecuador. Entrepreneurs who once faced barriers and limitations found themselves at the helm of thriving enterprises, contributing not only to their individual success but also to the overall economic prosperity of their communities.

One of the key strengths of CoomproVendo was its adaptability and inclusivity. The project catered to a wide range of industries, from traditional crafts to cutting-edge technology, ensuring that entrepreneurs from all walks of life had the opportunity to flourish. Cooprogreso’s commitment to financial inclusion played a pivotal role in bridging gaps and ensuring that even those with limited access to resources could participate in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.

As the project reached its zenith in 2022, we celebrated the collective achievements of CoomproVendo and the countless entrepreneurs who had embraced the opportunities it offered. The cooperative spirit fostered by Cooprogreso created a ripple effect, fostering a sense of community and collaboration that extended far beyond the project’s initial scope.

Our experience working alongside Cooprogreso in the CoomproVendo project was nothing short of inspiring. Together, we proved that by empowering entrepreneurs with the right tools, knowledge, and support, we could catalyze positive change, not just for individual businesses, but for the entire nation.

Looking back on those transformative years, we take pride in the role we played in helping Ecuadorian entrepreneurs realize their full potential. The CoomproVendo project stands as a testament to the power of collaboration, innovation, and unwavering dedication to creating a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

  • 01 Jan 2020
  • Cooperative Cooprogreso